entertainmentlifestyleTaylor Swift-Themed Cafe Opens in CDOadmin1 year agoSeptember 13, 2023549A Taylor Swift-themed cafe has opened its doors in the JR Borja - Tiano St Cagayan de Oro, much to...
internationalPhilippines in Disputed South China Seaadmin1 year agoSeptember 10, 202341The Philippines is one of several countries that have overlapping claims in the South China Sea, a strategically important waterway...
entertainmentOne Piece Netflix Adaptation: Everything We Knowadmin1 year agoSeptember 9, 202352The long-awaited live-action adaptation of the popular manga series One Piece has finally arrived on Netflix. The show follows the...
educationRESULTS: September 2023 Registered Master Electricians Licensure Examinationadmin1 year agoSeptember 9, 202340PRESS RELEASE: 800 out of 1,490 examinees passed the Registered Master Electricians Licensure Examination. Congratulations! he following is a press...
fashionFashion in the Philippines: A Blend of Tradition and Modernityadmin1 year agoSeptember 9, 202360Fashion in the Philippines is a blend of tradition and modernity. The country's rich history and culture is reflected in...
entertainmentThe Nun II: The Demon Returnsadmin1 year agoSeptember 9, 202344The Nun II is a 2023 American gothic supernatural horror film directed by Michael Chaves, with a screenplay written by...
technologyNew Messenger Notes: Take Notes and Share Ideas with Friendsadmin1 year agoSeptember 9, 20231.4kFacebook Messenger has just added a new feature called Notes. This allows users to take notes, create lists, and share...
localA bill was filed by Cong. Suan, Emano, Unabia to create the Metropolitan Cagayan de Oro Development Authority.admin1 year agoSeptember 9, 20231.3kThe Metropolitan Cagayan de Oro Development Authority (MCDA) has been created through House Bill No. 9040, which was jointly filed...